3PL provides users with a flexible warehouse management system enabling companies operating in a dynamic environment to improve accuracy, productivity and efficiency within the warehouse.
Today’s 3PL customers demand system access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our customer self service tool enables you to personalize your system for each of your client’s specific needs, such as:
– Personalized branding, enabling you to have a client specific logo for each customer
– Inventory management hierarchy that is client specific using each customer’s own terminology
– Personalized self service reporting
– On demand supply chain visibility
– Workflow assurance
– Automated report delivery
– Order and receipt booking
– Customer to customer extendibility
– Document management
Labor represents a significant cost in your operations and thus managing labor resources is key to reducing costs. With AccellosOne 3PL’s cost controls you gain access to:
– Labor forecasting
– Labor tracking
– Employee productivity
– Customer labor costing
– Facility labor costing
Our billing solutions provide management with revenue assurance through a series of customer personalized profiles that enable value added services to be recorded as part of operational activities through RF devices rather than relying on staff to manually record services. Our revenue management tools provide users with:
– Revenue Rating Engine
– Activity based revenue and costing
– Billing
– Financial integrations